Professional Title IX Investigators
Why Outsource Title IX Investigations?
Title IX investigations can be time-consuming, emotionally taxing, and complicated for college Title IX investigators.
Meanwhile, Title IX coordinators often feel immense pressure to ensure strict adherence to federal Title IX guidelines as their institutions face potential litigation, OCR sanctions, and negative press.
It can be lot to manage. Our professional Title IX investigators are here to help.
Title IX Solutions offers colleges prompt, thorough, and impartial Title IX investigations both on campus and virtually.
Curious about how investigators could assist your campus Title IX office?
Go to our Campus Title IX Investigations page to learn about our collaborative approach & two-step program!
Obstacles for Campus-Based Title IX Investigators
many title ix investigators have additional roles on campus and feel they are unable to dedicate adequate time to investigation procedures. outsourcing a title ix case to title ix solutions investigators can lighten that workload and help title ix coordinators ensure prompt and thorough investigation procedures.
Emotional Connections
title ix cases can be jarring and emotionally taxing for all title ix investigators, especially those who are members of the campus community. as third-party investigators, we can alleviate some of the emotional stress that accompanies title ix investigation processes.
Investigation Experience
at many colleges, title ix investigators are campus personnel with little experience and minimal training. many have not designed an investigation, evaluated witness credibility, or written a final investigation report. our professional title ix investigators bring over 30 years of investigation experience to your campus.
Title IX Solutions Investigators
All of our professional Title IX investigators are former FBI agents or experienced law enforcement investigators with FBI training. As a result, each of them has conducted hundreds of witness interviews and is experienced in designing investigation plans, evaluating evidence and witness credibility, and preparing comprehensive investigative reports.
Each investigator has undergone training regarding Title IX and the guidelines for investigations and adjudication issued by the Department of Education as well as trauma-informed interview techniques. This trauma-informed training is state of the art and particularly important for understanding the biological-chemical impact of traumatic experiences, such as sexual assaults, on victims and the consequent effect on their actions during an assault and responses during the investigative process.
Our professional Title IX investigators assigned to your campus are licensed private investigators in your state. These credentials are critical in establishing their qualifications in potential litigation.
Title IX complaints can be complex.
Bring in the investigation experts.